How To Make Money Online Helping People

You are a good person. Maybe you’re a caregiver, or you work in the service industry, or you’re someone with a lot of empathy. And, you’re looking for a way to make money online that actually does good and helps people. Well, that’s me too. And I’ve found a way to do just that. In this article, I will show you how to make money online helping people.

The concept is called affiliate marketing and there are a lot of people online making lots of money doing it. It’s easy to get into and doesn’t cost a lot of money to get started.

If that’s something you’re interested in learning about, I’ll show you how.


Affiliate marketing in a nutshell

First of all, affiliate marketing is about helping people solve a problem. People are searching in Google for help with tons of different things. As an affilate marketer, you are promoting products that will help people solve that problem.

If someone buys a product that you are promoting, you earn a commission on that sale. It’s pretty much that easy.

This is how it works in a nutshell.

  1. You identify your superpower (I’ll explain)
  2. Then, you build a website or a blog (there’s training for that)
  3. You write content (articles) that help people solve a problem
  4. Then, you promote products that will help that person
  5. Finally, you get paid


What’s your superpower?

The first thing you need to do is identify your superpower. What I mean by that is how are you going to help people? What is it that you like doing or have a passion for? What are you good at? What skills do you have (or want to learn more about)?

This is called you niche. It’s the clearly defined group of people whom you’re going to be targeting with your help and advice. When I got started in affiliate marketing, the first website I created was one that helped family caregivers find care for their loved ones. I used to own an in-home senior care agency so I knew quite a bit about caregiving.

Choose your niche!


Build a website

Next, you’re going to build a website. Don’t worry, I didn’t have any experience building websites when I got started either. There is a great resource out there called Wealthy Affiliate that will teach you step-by-step how to build a website. And, you can get started with a free starter membership. You can literally get a website up and running in under 30 seconds.

⇒⇒ Click here to read my detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate!


Write content that helps someone solve a problem

Once your website is up and running, you’ll start creating content (or articles) that help people solve a particular problem. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to do this and will also teach you how to drive visitors to your website. I wrote all sorts of different articles around the caregiving niche that helped people with real specific problems. There is a ton of things you can write about, even if your niche is really specific.


Promote products that will help that person

Now, this is how you make money. You will identify products in your niche that will help people solve their problem and promote them on your website. In my example, I promoted caregiving products and apps that helped people find caregivers. There are literally thousands and thousands of products you can promote. Almost every company you can think of has an affiliate program.

You’ll get help with finding products for your niche in the training as well.


Get paid

The final step is getting paid. When someone clicks on one of your affiliate links and buys a product that you’re promoting, you get a commission. There are some pretty lucrative affiliate programs out there. Find your passion, figure out how you’re going to help people, and make some money.


Rinse and repeat

At this point, it’s all about creating quality content on a consistent basis to drive visitors to your website. If you follow the training and trust in the process, you can have a business up and running that will pay you passive income even while you’re sleeping.

What are you waiting for?

If you have any questions, leave a note in the comment section below and I’ll be happy to get back to you.

⇒⇒ Click here to read my detailed review of Wealthy Affiliate!


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